A Chicago anchor apparently got in some hot water over his behavior at an off-duty going away party. WFLD's Mike Barz was said to have been "dirty dancing" with a female production assistant at a night club. Read about it here.
So what, you say? The point is...you've chosen a very public business to be in. No, you won't get the same paparazzi treatment as Britney, but you WILL give up lots of your privacy. You will be recognized when you go out. And, if you do something silly, everyone will soon know.
It doesn't always matter that you're thousands of miles from home, as anchorwoman Catherine Bosley found out in 2003.
If you're a woman, everything you wear will be critiqued every day by your audience. Your hairstyles, makeup, and weight will be constantly monitored by your "fans".
Living in a glass bowl is not easy.
Or...you could become a producer. Dress however you want, eat all the Frito's you want, become a regular at the local strip club, and spike your hair. No one will know. And you'll still get to control what goes on the air at 6 pm.
This is a very interesting subject since so many media moguls often get caught in these types of situations. As college students, we should be careful because what we do now can impact our career and other aspects of life. But at the same time, companies shouldn't be so critical as to how employees behave after hours. BUT, as a media personality, you shouldn't do anything outside of the office that would misrepresent the company. When you became an employee, you had a standard to uphold, which is the reputation of the company.
It's sad that this man makes one mistake and it costs him his career, but I understand the reasoning. He is a married man and people see him acting inappropriatly with another woman. Not only is he making himself look bad but he is bringing down anyone that is supporting him. I want to be an anchor and I understand with power comes responsiblity. You want people to respect you on camera and off. I think you need to be careful with the decisions and actions you make if you are risking your career. He should have known better than that!!
When you are in this position, you have to act in respect to the company, and present yourself in a respectable way. He did make a mistake, especially since he has a wife and made a stupid decision. It's also similar to actors and actresses. Your private life should not be on trial, but if you choose to be in the public eye, your actions are critical and will be scrutinized. You have to be careful with decisions that may impact your career and your image.
I feel the station acted a little harsh on the poor guy. I can understand why Bosley had to step down, her situation was a little more extreme. It is ultimately up to each person in the public eye to determine how they want to be portrayed. I say, its a free country, let the guy dance his little heart out!!
-Amanda L. Rothe
this is a very controversial topic since people feel when they are at work, then they act accordingly, but outside of the job a person feels like ok I am me and free and want to let loose sometimes, but then again the name you hold wether it be a last name or the company you work for..it all requires to have a level of respect.
After reading the article, it dawned on me that my actions in front of the camera, and off can effect my career. I always thought of my (future) professional life will be separate from my personal life, but in this industry,I see that it would be difficult.
But I think it's our responsibility to act and behave a certain way, especially in public places-because we are not only representing ourselves, but our employers.
No big suprise here, Mike Barz is a young at heart kind of guy. I think, unfortunately, in today's society, if it was a woman in his shoes, this story would be a bigger deal then it is now.
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