Read about Northwestern University's News at Seven here.
In ye olden days, AP or UPI newswire teletypes would spit out a constant stream of paper in newsrooms. Editors or reporters would have to periodically use rulers to tear apart the continuous spool of paper into individual stories. These stories would be sorted into baskets or hooks on the wall. This was called "stripping the wire". In the same way, this blog will attempt to sort through relevant content on the internet to identify and "strip out" items of interest for my students.
Very scary...but yet people are the only one's that can tell the impacting stories to our viewers, not bots
This is extremely scary, replacing bots with people is never a good idea, a newscast needs person-to-person communication and honest, emotional relation to content, not a robot or avatar telling stories to the public. News is lost without that element.
I wouldn't be too scared by it. I doubt it would catch on or that anyone would go for it. I could see it getting in trouble for plagiarism and other problems since it just takes stories and videos off of the internet.
I know that if I didn't see an actual person telling me news stories, otherwise I would doubt the validity of it. I couldn't take the word of a bot.
This is frightening too put robots in place of real life people...spooky, but a robot can not do the same as real life humans, as far as general conversation, and emmotions play a major part as well. News would never be the same
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