We've linked before to veteran photojournallist Rick Portier. Rick has some thoughts about the accused staging incident talked about below. But I especially like this paragraph:
News is news, just like it happens. It ain't always pretty. It ain't always like we like it. But it's gotta be real. Creating an "impromptu" memorial wall is just as bad a carrying around accident debris in your trunk to scatter at your next accident vo. (Don't laugh, I know a stringer who did it.)
thanks for the props. it turns my stomach when stuff like that happens. it give all the guys working hard to do it right a bad name.
I don't agree with staging anything in news. It's our responsibility as honest journalists and reporter's to report honestly and ethically. Staging anything is just like lying to the public.
Jill hit the nail on the head when she said it is our responsibility as "honest journalists to report honestly." The public relies on us to inform them on the happenings in the world. Staging the news to tell a better story is disgraceful to all the hard-working journalists out there find "real" stories.
Jill hit the nail on the head when she said it is our responsibility as "honest journalists to report honestly." The public relies on us to inform them on the happenings in the world. Staging the news to tell a better story is disgraceful to all the hard-working journalists out there find "real" stories.
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