Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Critic Says Local News Shouldn't Blame Leno

Tom Denari says it's not Leno's soft lead-in that turned viewers off.


Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous that NBC blames Leno for their low local news ratings. People just aren't watching local news anymore. We are at a point in time where you can get news from the internet or sent straight to your phone. News can be boring and irrelevant so people just choose not to tune in.

Chastity Spencer
RT 311

Anonymous said...

I don't think they should blame Leno for their poor news rating...they are responsible for that maybe they need a new director or producer to update their show.
Corey Harper RT 311

Gabrielle Surrett said...

Clearly i do not think it is Leno's fault for the low local news ratings. NBC needs to come up with different strategies to get the public to watch.

~Gabbie Surrett~