A tip of the hat to the CBS World News Roundup, now on the radio for 70 years.
In ye olden days, AP or UPI newswire teletypes would spit out a constant stream of paper in newsrooms. Editors or reporters would have to periodically use rulers to tear apart the continuous spool of paper into individual stories. These stories would be sorted into baskets or hooks on the wall. This was called "stripping the wire". In the same way, this blog will attempt to sort through relevant content on the internet to identify and "strip out" items of interest for my students.
For 70 years of broadcast radio still going strong, that is pretty impressive. The World News Round-up was an excellent idea and still remains so. I think people don't understand the importance that radio still has in media and people getting their information. It's not as 'dead' of a medium as people seem to believe. Congrats WNR for 70 years.
I agree its not dead, but i think it may be on the downslope, just observing over spring break when driving with my friends, no1 wanted the radio, in fact they and myself included had our ipods with itrips on, because they couldnt stay talk radio or comercials.
Sad to say, that i think the internet is stepping up the medium again, i mean thats where i read all my news, but thats just me.
It is remarkable that this show lasted as long as it has, given the way that stations change ownership or move in different directions. You see television programs that last one or two seasons before they get canceled. This station must be doing something right. However I agree with Curt. The internet has chnaged the game. I am sure if we polled listeners to WNR we would find that their listetners are pretty up there in age. I could be wrong.
Even though radio is not what it used to be, it's great to see that World News Roundup is still on the air. My dad told me about Townsend's death, and told me how much he heard the World News Roundup while growing up because his parents listened to it all the time. Like Jill said in her post, radio is still a very important medium for news. People need to still take advantage of the radio, because if they don't, you might see it go out in the near future.
Man 70 years! That is a long time. It's still 30 years short of being able to say they were broadcasting the last time the Cubs won the World Series.
Well I believe that if the World News Roundup wants to ensure another 70 years then considering a transition into internet and portable media device casting would be a smart thing to do.
I cannot believe that the show has lasted 70 years. That's insane. It's sad that radio is for the most part going down hill.
Damn I was going to buy a new Hummer in late 2012 and drive around the country for a vacation, Now I am going to have to shave my head and join the Hari.s, Muslims, Jews, Jehovah s, Mormons, Christians, and a few other wing nut groups just to cover all my bases.
]future and past of the earth
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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