Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This Job is Cr*p!

A political reporter's job is not glamorous.


Jill said...

This is a little strange. Althought the coverage is creative and unique, I think that whoever is covering this overused the metaphors just a little too much. "Flush" and other toilet-related words, just seem a little overdoing it to me. Reporting may not be glamourous, but someone has to do it. At least they have food and drinks, though!

Anonymous said...

What a weird article, made some good points and the whole "yellow journalism" made me laugh, a lot different then what im used to reading.

Anonymous said...

I am thrown off by this story. It is very odd. I guess that if you have to find somewhere to work, why not a bathroom-they'll be able to relax, just like that people who are running in there to acutally relieve themselves.

Anonymous said...

well if a bathroom makes you write your best stories than so be it. It is odd but reporting is reporting and it must get done.

Abby Buzick

Anonymous said...

Is this a way of saving money to rent out workspace or something, because that's some strange sh*t? Otherwise Clinton must be running a secret sweat shop of supporters throughout America, and she must be stopped.

Unknown said...

Ummm... this is weird. It is very creative but yeah I agree. I think it was overdone.