A political reporter's job is not glamorous.
In ye olden days, AP or UPI newswire teletypes would spit out a constant stream of paper in newsrooms. Editors or reporters would have to periodically use rulers to tear apart the continuous spool of paper into individual stories. These stories would be sorted into baskets or hooks on the wall. This was called "stripping the wire". In the same way, this blog will attempt to sort through relevant content on the internet to identify and "strip out" items of interest for my students.
This is a little strange. Althought the coverage is creative and unique, I think that whoever is covering this overused the metaphors just a little too much. "Flush" and other toilet-related words, just seem a little overdoing it to me. Reporting may not be glamourous, but someone has to do it. At least they have food and drinks, though!
What a weird article, made some good points and the whole "yellow journalism" made me laugh, a lot different then what im used to reading.
I am thrown off by this story. It is very odd. I guess that if you have to find somewhere to work, why not a bathroom-they'll be able to relax, just like that people who are running in there to acutally relieve themselves.
well if a bathroom makes you write your best stories than so be it. It is odd but reporting is reporting and it must get done.
Abby Buzick
Is this a way of saving money to rent out workspace or something, because that's some strange sh*t? Otherwise Clinton must be running a secret sweat shop of supporters throughout America, and she must be stopped.
Ummm... this is weird. It is very creative but yeah I agree. I think it was overdone.
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