Young men say they would rather give up TV than the internet. Perhaps not too suprising. But this study shows that advertisers are still not embracing online.
In ye olden days, AP or UPI newswire teletypes would spit out a constant stream of paper in newsrooms. Editors or reporters would have to periodically use rulers to tear apart the continuous spool of paper into individual stories. These stories would be sorted into baskets or hooks on the wall. This was called "stripping the wire". In the same way, this blog will attempt to sort through relevant content on the internet to identify and "strip out" items of interest for my students.
...I know this is a study about men...but personally I would also give up t.v before the internet because these days you can watch t.v on the internet anyway so why not.
i think i could give up tv, i really dont watch anything but top chef. haha, but seriously, tv is not as good as i remember being a kid and having to watch certain shows, plus now i can watch tv on the internet, and youtube... makes me wonder what life will be like in the future
I think I would give up television...like everyone is saying, you can watch tv on the internet now..if u miss an episode the internet is there for you...
Perhaps the advertisers are a few years older than the demographic they were surveying, and that is why they have not adopted the internet yet (as their generation may prefer the TV over the internet any day). Any how, if I had to choose one medium, it would have to be the internet. As these days, you can find anything shown on TV posted on the internet and much more...
I want to meet the one guy out of four that would rather surf the net than have sex. I call bullshit!! Yeah the internet is handy and has succumbed our lives, but spending an average of three hours a day online seems insane. Call me old school, but I'll take the boob tube any day of the week and twice on Sundays...
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