Wednesday, January 23, 2008

When You're on TV, Your Mistakes Are Public

ESPN's Dana Jacobson has been benched for some remarks made at a roast. Was alcohol involved??? No matter. Your actions are under the microscope when you choose a high profile career.


akirn87 said...

Jacobson's comments were, to say the least, offending! "F*ck Norte Dame, F*ck Jesus"! I'm shocked that ESPN doesn't have a four letter F word of their own for Jacobson...

That is true however, when you're on TV, your mistakes are public. Sometimes those mistakes can cost you your job, but it seems Jacobson may have gotton off the hook.

Anonymous said...

Is one week enough?

I am not sure if it is, but then again how long ago did Mr. Imus get banned for sayin the "nappy headed hoe" coment, and he got his show back.

Will we be able to look at Jacobson the same way?

Or will she have a guilty conscience? Isnt it odd we just read a blog about women on air taking a lot of anchoring jobs and reporters now this arises?

BRUNO_03 said...

I am a huge Michigan fan so I can understand her hatred of Notre Dame as well as the f**k Notre Dame remark. However, that kind of talk is only permissable when your having a conversation with your friends, not at a roast with Notre d\Dames coach there. Although if I was there I would have smirked, thought to myself, "You go girl" and submitted my resume and application for HER job. People make mistakes and have lapses in judgement. I get that, but she crossed the line. She must have had too many "pops".

Jill said...

In this area, everything that you do is in the public eye, and sometimes, people make mistakes. Your mistakes can cost you a lot of things, your job, your integrity and the public view of you. The comments were pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

I will have to agree with Jill on this one. With today's growing society and the media constantly getting larger everything is in the public eye. And that being said the comments weren't the best thing for her to be blurting out. I understand people do make mistakes.... But, they should think before they speak! If not then they are going to have to live with the payback of it all.

Unknown said...

I don't think one week is enough at all. The comments were intense and she definitely offended a lot of people. Oh the joys of the public eye.