Mark Schwed of the Palm Beach Post points out how the gender balance has changed in the coverage of Presidential elections.
In ye olden days, AP or UPI newswire teletypes would spit out a constant stream of paper in newsrooms. Editors or reporters would have to periodically use rulers to tear apart the continuous spool of paper into individual stories. These stories would be sorted into baskets or hooks on the wall. This was called "stripping the wire". In the same way, this blog will attempt to sort through relevant content on the internet to identify and "strip out" items of interest for my students.
It is true that we see a lot more women being anchors and reporters in the news room. I never use to watch the news until I was a senior in high school but i do see the change from then to now.
It also got me thinking why there might be a rise in women anchoring and reporting think of late night talk shows. I mean we have david letterman, conan obrien, jay leno, carson daly, my personal favorite conan obrien and craig fergeson. And what would you classify bill mahr and anderson cooper as?
In a way maybe it all balances out?
There are a lot of things in this world that don't belong to us "boys" anymore, and that isn't such a bad thing. I have noticed a considerable amount of women appearing as anchors and reporters. I particulary watch a lot of Sports Center and was familiar with only Robin Roberts back in the day, then came Linda Cohen, now we have female anchors covering different sports and female reporters on the sidelines of some of the biggest sporting events. Most of the big Cable news programs feature a number of lead anchors, as do a great deal of local news channels.
Hey, women fought for equal rights, the ablility to vote and a number of things that were only for men. We're all equal now! They are just as capable as men, some of them even more prepared to gatther and present information. Like Mark Schwed wrote in his article, "they have the gift of gab."
There has definitely been a gender shift in the news over the years. Woman are more respected now a days and pretty to look at. You men are very visual beings.
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